Jesus’ Two-Pointer Teachings

Jesus’ Two-Pointer Teachings – Charisma Life Church

fredmendozasmall-150x150A. The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:15-21)
1. You are a rich fool, or
2. You are rich toward God.

B. The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
1. You are either foolish (with no oil in your lamp), or
2. You are wise (with oil in your lamp), prepared for the Christ’s coming anytime.

C. The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27)
1. You are wise (by hearing and doing the Words of Christ), or you are foolish (by hearing and not doing the Words of Christ).
2. Your house will stand firm, or your house will collapse, when the troubles of life beat against your house—depending on whether it is built on the rock or on sand.

D. The Parable of the Four Soils (Luke 8:4-8, 11-15)
1. Among the four soils, you are like the three non-productive soils, or you are like the productive soil.
2. Only one of the four soils is productive (25%), and three of the four soils (75%) are non-productive. You are either in the 25% productive or in the 75% non-productive.

LIFE APPLICATION: In Jesus’s contrasting two-pointer teachings, there is no middle ground: You are either a devoted follower of Jesus or you are not.
