THE STEPS OF DISCIPLESHIPMatthew 16:24-27Pastor Alan DionsonMarch 15, 2025
The crisis of discipleship.
A. DESIRE – “If anyone comes after Me.” (v. 24a)
Discipleship begins with a heart that longs for Christ.
B. DENIAL - “Let them deny themselves.” (v. 24b)
Discipleship means saying "no" to self and "yes" to Jesus.
C. DEATH - “Pick up their cross and follow Me.” (v. 24c-25)
Discipleship involves daily dying to self and living for Christ.
D. DEVOTION - “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?”(v. 26)
Discipleship prioritize God’s kingdom over worldly gain.
E. DESTINY - "The Son of Man is going to come… and will repay each person according to what he has done." (v. 27)
The choices we make in discipleship shape our eternal destiny.
Jesus calls us not just to believe in Him, but to follow Him. Which step of discipleship do you need to take today?